
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Aug clothesline to Leslie - End of series, for real.

This one popped up by accident in Sept when I was scheduling posts and I deleted it. I was too lazy to put it back in the order that I was talking about this series. It's fine as a wrapping-up-the-topic image. I can't remember why I wrote Leslie's name on sticker paper. It must have been to cover up a mistake. But why didn't I make it into something that I could have hung on the clothesline? It's an odd composition, but, I like the angle of the straight clothesline and I like the white space. 

Did anyone do a search for *clothesline* on this blog and see all the others? I really like some of the old ones. It was mildly disappointing that I did not knock my socks of with another round of clotheslines. But my pondering and the wild ride down into the pits and then back up ended up being a good lesson for me.

Will I learn from that lesson? Probably not. However, it did inspire me to collect and post as many lessons as I can recall. What are the chances I remember that I had this new idea?

Go have fun. Make something. Turn off your computer.

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