
Friday, September 16, 2022

To Amy in August - that love-of-stamps situation

 Clearly I was using up all the orphan colored envelopes. The lavender envelopes looked great with these stamps. So, I tried silver - which worked out nicely. The red is muddy. Grrrr.

Are there any mental health professionals who read the blog? I was just sifting through a box of stuff - ephemeral stuff. Ephemeral means that it is not meant to last for --- for how long? Let's Google. 


  1. Lasting for a markedly brief time.
  2. Having a short lifespan or a short annual period of aboveground growth. Used especially of plants.

OK - markedly brief is vague. Compared to what? Get to the point, Jean. 

I was sifting through my stuff that *might be useful for something.* This is a huge issue for people who make things out of other things. We save stuff that might be useful. Recently, I discovered that my friend Jan is on a binge of collaging - so, I have been passing some of my stuff along to her. It's fun to watch someone else ooh and aaah over things that I have been treasuring for years. Some of it is dated. Some of it has been in a pile for 30 years. Time to let go.

But, then I came to some cancelled stamps. Here is where I am seeking mental health advice. What is it about stamps that makes my internal dialogue tell me that I must have a disorder? I'm not dangerous. But why does it feel so weird? I can't even think of a way to word this for a Google search. If anyone has any insider info - please share. Feel free to email me directly - or leave a comment. 

I will report back if I get a dozen emails from people who assure me that they have the same thing. And, good news for Jan, I put all the stamps in the stack headed to her house. Maybe I can get her to share photos of the stuff she makes.

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