
Sunday, September 18, 2022

7 Title IX envelopes in August

After all the problems on my 20 envelopes for the August exchange, I decided I needed to just pick one idea and finish up the list. I had some really nice. envelopes in the orphan pile. Strathmore and Crane's. Committing to one idea is a good way to get them done without obsessing and they are in order of how I did them.

I tried to do the olive branch on the first one and it's horrific. So, I ditched that idea - and figured they would be fine without any yellow - so Janet didn't get any yellow. But when I did her crossbars, I realized I could put a pop of yellow on the cross bars -- so Mary's was looking better - even though she only had one yellow dot.

Rachael had more dots and I really liked the name hitting both the west coast and the east coast. Sharon's was fine - although I had to grrrr at myself for not doing a yellow dot between the names and I could have dotted the i. Susan's turned out nicely - and then I probably like Kate's best because I decided to get a little looser and bouncy.

Tomorrow we will see what happened when I had to use the Title IX stamp that did not have red.


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