
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Sharon's jelly fish - heads up fellow dinosaurs


Sharon sent this to all three of us. The grandkids LOVED the jelly fish. They were fortunate enough to visit Hawaii earlier this year and loved it. They saw a dead jelly fish. Obviously - they liked this one a lot more.


I'm one of those people who always wants to time travel and bring people forward. Mostly the Wright brothers. It seems like they'd be wowed by airplanes. Or some of the early auto-people would be gobsmacked by formula one racing and rock star tour buses. Most of us think that we are keeping up with the times - and technology. But I'm guessing our days are numbered. 

MrWilson came home with a warning about how to use the credit card at gas stations. Apparently - some of the card readers (or all of them ?) have changed to *lingering-insertion* instead of what we used to do - which was insert and remove promptly. He had to get help at a gas station. 

I wonder which new-fangled thing or variation of a thing is going to cause me to retreat into a time-warped-comfort-zone. Do not get me started on (or restarted) on the patient portals. The only good thing about brain rehab is that they do not have patient portals. Clearly they have deduced that *some of us* are not equipped to venture down the patient-portal-primrose-path. 

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