
Thursday, June 9, 2022

Sharon's flowers - how long til we get there?

Happy flowers from Sharon. I'm trying to figure out if she painted the petals and then outlined them or drew the outlines and then painted them in. I think she probably painted first. That's a pretty, new stamp that I do not recall seeing. I wonder when it snuck in. Is it half of a pair that offer coordinating 1-oz and 2-oz? I guess I could surf on over to the USPS website. Nope. I'm on a strict no-surf plan.


How long til we get there - is the universal catch phrase for enduring car trips. In our case, we are wondering how long do we have to put up with these ding-dong blog posts. 21 days. Yup. Three full weeks. I'm so sorry. 

It could be worse. Although, I am not going to start brainstorming *worse* things. We are just going to forge ahead, aren't we. Who is she talking to? Is there a mouse in her pocket? Who used to say that?


  1. I got the same one from Sharon and it's SOOOO lovely!! I will be sending your way soon with others.

  2. Thanks for the comments on my May exchange envelope! Yes, I painted with watercolor directly on Classic Crest envelopes, and then used permanent extra fine pens to add details after the envelopes dried. I used a piece of card stock inside the envelopes while painting and drying to reduce buckling. Then placed the nearly dry envelopes between drawing pad sheets weighted with books to finish drying. I was surprised that commercial envelopes would accept watercolor as well as they did. Sharon
