
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Patty's heart+earth - 2 birds/1 stone


Good one, Patty! Nice big easy to read address - fun lettering - clever way to incorporate the stamp into the design. All the elements are balanced. And the frosting on the cake - you responded to my *call for entries.* Thanks again to those of you who are sending extras.

I'm not a fan of killing birds - especially with stones. However, I am a big fan of getting rid of excess stuff. Today (May 23) I found the Rubbermaid tub of bubble wrap. MrWilson insists that we need to keep bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts. But, I need art projects for the grandkid's visit - and I have always wanted to make life-size bubble wrap people. So, that's what we are going to do. I'm pretty sure he won't object to anything the grandkids are excited about doing.

I'm surprised that there are not more images online. I am surprised that this is not a more popular activity. Maybe the grandkids would have more fun making Grandpa be the *form.* This is not at all what I have in mind - even though it is cute.

Further research came up with something closer to what I have in mind - and it is more packing tape based - rather than bubble wrap.

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