
Monday, June 6, 2022

Leslie's version of Janet's idea - De-stressing 3

 Leslie says this idea was appropriated from Janet. It's super fun. 


This is a real time inserted comment: it took me two weeks to remember to ask what Value-Life Incongruence meant. And I was amazed at how my guess was actually correct. What's written below was just pondering - from two weeks ago.


After I filled the last two posts, I thought I would treat myself to some desk time and address some envelopes. I had to clear some things - and then I needed to pick a style and some pens or markers and then the proverbial ton of bricks hit me.

As if I need another blow - even if it is only proverbial.

I realized that I stress over the monthly envelopes and not in a good way. My brain rehab tour guides gave me a chart that shows the right amount of stress. It's 50%. Same old bell curve. If you don't have enough stress - you don't get out of bed. It seems odd to call it stress - because it's the *stuff* that needs to get done. As you get more than 50% - you eventually get out to the danger zone where the stress is a problem.

So if we refer to yesterday's list of 6 categories to assess and find where my stress is --  we eliminated 5 -work, daily hassles, major life events, environment, and relationships - and we ended up with the one that didn't come with a clear definition. I've decided to park my envelope-stress in that zone.

The vaguely named (to me) category was Value-Life Incongruence. Having a creative outlet has been something that I value. I've been preaching for decades that the creative outlet is an essential antidote for any kind of stress. So, clearly I needed to learn the exception to that *rule.* 

Or, I might be way out in left field. We will find out on Tuesday.

Spoiler alert. I had too many questions on the other handouts and we did not even get to this. But, I put a *flag* on that page and will be sure to bring it up at the next appointment. I wonder if they talk about me in the break room - as that woman who comes in with way too many questions. If I graduate after 3 months, I'm going to assume that they are just tired of me. 

1 comment:

  1. There are more (with Janet's original) on my Snail Mail blog: (plus, I sent all these to you as well, Jean).
