
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Chuck's red sun - polka dot moons

This is my May envelope from Chuck. I pictured all of them earlier - without the names. This style is perfect with the design. Nice combo with the stamp. The design was inspired by the work of Clarice Cliff. He sent a couple more images of her work. 

The dots on the second pitcher remind me that many of us love dots and also colors and also planets and stars and random things circling other random things. The BigHelpfulBrother checks this site daily and sends me the ones he knows I'll be happy to see.

Every time I go to something he sends me I click on several other days and there are sooooo many good ones. Part of me wishes that I checked it every day - but - I have to put a cap on the number of things I look at every day. 


  1. omg, GREAT env, Chuck!!! I love the simple, yet boldness of it.

  2. I only today learned about "mail art" from Jean's blog here! Chuck's work here, for me, the honor of being the first piece of mail art I've encountered ... and I love what I see! An envelope like that must put smiles on postal workers' faces and certainly cheer any recipient.

    Also APOD! A favorite of mine when feeling uninspired.
