
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Chuck (1) & Susan V Battle

 I was going to do 7 Chuck-alopes this week after our week of Sharon - but this is exchange sign up week. Why would that matter? It doesn't. OK. First of 7 envelopes done by Chuck. Some of them do not have stamps - but it's fun to imagine various planetary stamps or earth stamps that would have worked nicely with this one. 

On a sad note: I parked myself really close to the lemon meringue pie in the oven to avoid spacing off. 

And then I spaced off. And yes, the meringue is overdone. Grrrr. But IMHO the meringue is the least important part of the pie. Although, I could blame it on using that little oven - since the scorch is on the top.

Here is what caused me to space off. A lady who does collage. Itty-bitty collage. And it reminds me of a favorite item I made using itty-bitty bits of used postage stamps. So, I was pondering if maybe I should cultivate my interest in collage.

Here is her IG

and here is her website

It probably helps to look at the photos on a larger screen to appreciate the detail.

1 comment:

  1. I would have spaced with that collage as well. Still, the lemon meringue looks delicious, nicely brown all over with no pale bits. Now I need to go make a lemon meringue pie!
