
Friday, May 27, 2022

Welcome to a new exchanger - Mary


Are we all squealing with delight? Mary found the blog through Pinterest - and joined the May exchange. She also sent me some images of envelopes that she has been sending to a little buddy who is struggling with a health issue. This one is so dang cute. I think the name and address are on the stack of cushions and she blurred the info. I like all the white space. 

Mary -- feel free to send more images -- same to everyone else -- I am happy to post whatever people send. If you have sent things that you have not seen yet -- that does not mean anything. Well, it does mean something. It means that my filing system is unreliable. But, I assure you, there is a 50-50 possibility that I will find them and post them.

50-50 is the probability of e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Maybe it will happen -- maybe it won't.

That's not right. There are things that are more predictable than just maybe/maybe not. I was going to rant about something that was happening at my house. But, now I can't remember what it is.


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