
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Sunshine from JeanR - Ice age landscape


JeanR spread some very welcome sunshine during the endless (and unusual) dreariness of April. Thank you, Jean. Jean lives within walking distance of my house. Sort of a long walk, but I'm thinking I might try walking over to see her when she returns to *the northlands.* She winters in the south. But, I'll need a ride home. There is a crazy long hill between us - and I'm sure it would be fun to walk downhill - but, I'd need a lot more practice to make it back up that hill. Who knew that there were such big hills in Iowa.

Funny you should mention hills in Iowa. I just ran across this a.m.a.z.i.n.g. video about these little pockets of ancient landscape in Iowa of all places. It blew me away. It will not be interesting to everyone. But, if you are fascinated by ancient plants - you'll like this a lot. Sadly - it is all too fragile to visit in person. But the description is sumthun else - and there is one closeup photo that is cool. I'm going to look for more photos.

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