
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Raindrops from Smash - The GIDH List

This is a very cool raindrop design. Nice combination with the stamps - friendly to the USPS. See how the shapes of the raindrops echo the shapes of the petals in the flowers? Here is your design lesson for the day. An element is a building block. That petal SHAPE is an element. COLOR is an element. REPETITION is a principle. The principles are the clever ways to work with the elements. SCALE is comparative size. The petals (raindrops) on the background are huge versions of the petals. 

Are there any scientists reading this who can give us a comparison where you have H and O - and they make H2O -- but if you have a different arrangement and quantity of H and O - you can blow something up or create something less friendly than water? Feel free to use any of the elements.


It's been nine months since I bonked my head and there are lingering unresolved issues - nothing dreadful - just a bit *off.* That Covid blip didn't improve anything either. So many people that I know are struggling with things that are far worse than what I'm struggling with - so it's not too hard to nudge myself out of feeling sorry for myself.

Since the bonk, I've kept a running list in my head of all the things I am Grateful I Don't Have (GIDH). And then it occurred to me that I should write the list down - because I was curious if it was a dozen or two dozen or what? It seems like I already put this in a blog post - but, I can't find it. Apologies if it is a repeat. I do know I shared it with a few people in emails -- so maybe that's what I am recalling. I sent it to MrWilson. I suppose he has secretly added *caring for a partner* to his list. He's too polite to tell me.

Things I don’t have

that are going around (and I literally know someone who has it or has died from it)

Dementia - Lewy body


Heart disease





Non-cancerous brain tumor

Detached retina in both eyes at the same time or macular 

Autoimmune disease (the one where your skin falls off)

Fractures and joint replacement (two broken ankles and a broken tibia)

Arthritis (advanced, painful, and slim chance of restoration)

Lung disease

Really bad shingles

Covid (back on the list - since we are having serious spiking here in DSM)

Malpractice - I actually know 3 people were hoping to have something fixed - and ended up in worse shape.

So - if you have something to add to my list - let me know. I bet there are many more things that will make me grateful to only have my scrambled brain.

This just in - scoliosis

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