
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

From Leslie - Apr - 1st trip to brain rehab


April was so much fun - having my birthday - and getting all this fun mail. I know I just used the word exuberant yesterday (actually it was 10 minutes ago - because I am trying to fill up May) but, I can't think of another word. SynonymsRus will have some.

ebullient, high-spirited, excessive, extravagant, overweening, lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous, abundant, spirited, un-restrained.

Thank you Google -- some of those would work. Other are odd.

Apparently, brain injuries are tricky to treat. There are general areas that *control* certain functions. But, there are endless stories about people who *rebuilt* or *restored* all kinds of functions even when it looked like it was impossible. At the other end of the spectrum - there are people who just had one concussion and their *personality* flipped and stayed flipped. I hope I remember to ask if there is a difference in restoring mechanical things as opposed to personality things.

I waited patiently (as advised) to see how much would *restore* on it's own. On May 4th (May the fourth be with you - Star Wars day) I had my first visit to a brain rehab facility. I flunked the first test - by choosing door number 2 as the entrance. But, everyone who works there is geared towards making brain injured people feel OK. Even the guy who was mowing the lawn - stopped - and waved at me - as if someone told him that he had to be *cheerful* because the people who are coming and going will probably benefit from random pleasantness.

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