
Friday, April 29, 2022

Q3 - CathyO's March envelope


CathyO sent this in March. And yes, we spent most of March anticipating some nice spring weather. There would be more to talk about - because there was more in the envelope - but it's in DSM and I am in Chicago - on the third day of quarantining myself in the guest room. 

The good news is that my daughter and I tested negative. Dad and the two kids are positive. My daughter offered to buy me a plane ticket home but I opted to stay. Even though I am all alone in the lower level and even though I have a negative test from a couple days ago - doesn't mean that I didn't get infected while I was riding home in the car with the two kids who turned out to be positive. I feel like it would be really easy to unknowingly take it home to MrW - not to mention spreading it around O'Hare and an airplane. 

That was written on Thursday. My daughter and I thought we had been keeping adequate distance and we went to confirm that we were still negative on Friday - and that evening we both started to feel symptoms. So, while waiting for PCR results, we did rapid tests at home and were positive. 

So - this will probably conclude the quarantine commentaries. Even though I know a lot of people who have had it without any lingering problems, I had been vigilant at avoiding it. It hasn't been much worse than a  regular cold - so, I'm relieved. I'm also going to credit the vaccine with reducing the severity - and will continue to boost as advised. 

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