
Friday, April 1, 2022

April Exchange Sign-up

There is a little bit of *April fool* to this fun envelope from Lauren that arrived in February. The stamp is hidden so nicely. I like all that white space where we would expect to see a stamp - and then the cancellation ended up in the lower left corner. Very cool - and yes - we do LOVE mail art. The airmail border is such a classic design.

So - if you would like to exchange mail art in April - 
sign up is April 1-4 and lists are sent out on the 5th.
Send the following info in the format indicated to the new email address:

(CARDS) means you will also exchange handmade cards
(birthday means you have an April birthday
(2 lists) means you are willing to be on two lists if I need to make the lists come out even

Jane Doe (CARDS)
123 Oak Street
Ames, IA 50110
(birthday) (2 lists)

Additional info for new exchangers:

Lauren's card


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