
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Janet's postal theme to Hunter

I was so happy to be at Hunter's house when he got home from work and pulled this one out of his mailbox. It's from Janet - and we are wondering where she found that image. It's soooo Hunter. Especially the long hair. He never wears his hair down at work - but -- he has a hat just like that. 

I made it a goal to never impose my wishes or desires on my kids regarding careers or how they wanted to spend their time. And I think I did a good job of not nudging them in any direction. But, this whole postal thing is like an obsession with me. At first, I was just obsessed with the writing and calligraphy (obsessed with the alphabet and writing from the time I could hold a pencil through art degree and then calligraphy classes as an adult ) - but then catching the mail art bug 25 years ago -- that tipped things into a whole different world. 

Now, with my insider at the PO - there is an additional layer to learning all about it. I might have to read that book about the history of the PO again. 


Warning: for the next 4 weeks, the posts are a little chaotic. Although, that might not be any different from what they have been the past 9 months (or 12 years).

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