
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Kate's Dec envelope - jazzy K

For her December envelopes, Kate chose a monoline script that is quite lovely. I’m not sure I have seen her use it. I do know that she has a pretty nice stash of vintage stamps. I noticed that she did not include *Iowa* on the envelope - and that's just fine. The USPS really only needs the ZIP code and the street address. Sometimes it's nice to keep the lines all the same length. Recently, I abbreviated Ridgefield to R'field to make it fit better.

Below is a K I spotted - and thought it would be fun to use on my next envelope to Kate - but, I rather doubt I'll actually get around to doing that.

I liked prewriting my blurbs - but some of them are not long enough. Maybe there will be interesting add-ons by the time we get to Feb 8.

It's Feb 7 - and the previously written blurb isn't very interesting. Feb seems like a month where we just endure the weather. And so it goes. (Seems like that's a Vonnegut line?)


Shout out to Finnbadger/Phillip -- who was enduring some serious winter weather - maybe it's starting to melt.


1 comment:

  1. If memory serves 'And so it goes' is from Vonnegut's 'God Bless You Mr. Rosewater'
