
Saturday, February 12, 2022

JeanR's Dec envelope - squeegee painting

JeanR works in a variety of mediums. This might be gel plate? I'm not sure that is the right word. It looks more like acrylic - and not watercolor. Have we talked about the squeegee painting that is all the rage on social media? I’m getting really close to trying it.

This is just the first one that popped up. It's not even a good one. I like the ones that just start with a whole bunch of polka dots and pull in one direction. IG is another place to see them. They show up on reels.

You don't need a squeegee. You can use a piece of mat board. Cardboard might work if it was stiff enough. A cereal box would be too flimsy, but you could tape it to a ruler and that would work.

I am going to add my 2-cents to the recent articles about Bob Saget's cause of death - a head injury. The articles all suggest that if you bonk your head you might want to have it checked out. They don't mention that if you bonk your head - hard enough to do damage - there is a good chance you don't even realize you have bonked your head. 

When I bonked my head, Mr Wilson was home and he heard a *thud* and he found me sitting on the floor. But, I was able to talk and he had no idea that I had hit my head. The thud might have been from me landing on the floor. We didn't know what was wrong - I just seemed a little *off.* He thought I was having a heart attack.

I never regained any memory of anything at home or riding to the ER. My memory (awareness) didn't kick in until I was walking into the ER. Mr Wilson thought I seemed pretty *normal* as I offered my usual annoying co-piloting directions in the car.

Once they did a scan in the ER and they told me I had a brain injury, we started to piece together what had happened. It took several hours for me to feel any pain in my head. As the person who had no idea what was going on with her head - I would NOT have thought to seek help. If I had been home alone and feeling a  little off - I might have just gone back to bed for a bit. My brain bleeds would not have killed me - I probably would have sought help once the headache kicked in. But, I can see how the head-bonk itself can contribute to some poor choices because the person has no idea that they even sustained the bonk.

It probably bears repeating - we were informed that Mr Wilson should have called 911 and had them give me a ride to the ER. I could have had a seizure or a stroke - and the EMTs are better at managing those kinds of complications. So, let's all be careful, eh? 


  1. Second to last paragraph; Third sentence: I think it should read "As the person who had no idea what as going on with her head - I would NOT have thought to seek help."
    Or else I don't understand what you actually meant.

    1. Thank you for that correction. As you can see -- it is still a huge struggle for me to think clearly and write clearly. It has been a sobering experience - and it's ongoing.

  2. I've done the squeegee painting with an old credit card

    1. Ooooooo. That's the perfect size for envelopes. Thanks for the tip.
