
Thursday, February 17, 2022

hApPy biRtHdAy to Hunter and to the blog

 All y'all know how much I enjoy the stealing of ideas off mail that arrives in DSM. If it were not so hard to scroll through the 5,205 posts, I would check to see whose work I steal most often. I'm guessing Rachael's would be in the running. There are many others who send steal worthy mail -- but - on close inspection, there is a patience-level or skill-level that is beyond me. Rachael's tend to be do-able. I love this one so much. The colors are perfect and I like how it suits Hunter. He's a wiry little guy who would have loved to be a football player - but he's just too small. I'm relieved. 

I wish they would just eliminate the tackle part of professional football and make everyone play flag football. That would open it up to little guys. And here is my bright idea for the week: why don't they ever have the football teams play baseball? Or the baseball teams play soccer? Wouldn't it be fun for the Chicago Bears to challenge the Green Bay Packers to a baseball game at Wrigley Field. I'd love to see how much the tickets would go for. I bet people would love it. 

And here is a little trip down memory lane - as I do some purging of mail. An envelope my daughter sent me when she was a freshman in college. She never had any interest in art - but she did have nice penmanship - entirely on her own - I never coached her. My only two complaints with her penmanship were:

1) she did not make enough of a *counter* on the lower case e. Her tight, flat loops at the top made the e look like a c with a serif and 2) her descenders on g and y were always way too long. Look at the g in Chicago. Grrrr. 

Otherwise, I think it is a perfectly lovely idea for a non-artist. The really sad part is her apology on the back.

It says: Sorry my envelopes aren't very good! I try though! Sorry the stamp doesn't match! I kind of forgot about that part! At least I have cool pens! I'm sorry I'll never be as artsy as you! 💛

OK -- that's just sad. I hope it was just normal insecurities when she was 18 that came out on the back of the envelope. Although, she did end every sentence with an exclamation point. What's with that? 

So, the blog turns 12 today -- next year we become a teenager.

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