
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mailbox that was bumped - Lynne's Dec env

An adorable mail box Nanna saw in Chicago.

I had originally put this mailbox on the Jan 1st exchange sign-up post, but changed my mind. It seemed like too much to add to the big news that all y'all had to adjust to a new email address for me. I will report how the change went. 

Here is a wider view of the holiday display in this yard across the street from my grandkids house in Chicago. The neighbor has lots of decorations for every holiday. I would be tempted to create yard displays if I lived in Chicago - because there are so many people walking by all day every day.

I ran this photo in 2011 - it's the little mailbox at my main post office. I forgot to ask my son if he saw it this year. As I recall, he does not have any reason to frequent the lobby.

Lynne's card and envelope - fun vintage stamps.
This might be the last post where the envelope comes after the add on.
I'm ditching this format.


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