
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Maggie and Lynne (greeting cards 1)

My Connecticut pen pals, Maggie above and Lynne below.
MrWilson couldn't figure out the white ink. He asked how it was done.

Five blurbs to go and then I have half of November filled up. I'll be in Chicago until Nov 1st. When I get back, I'll do the lists for the Nov exchange and then do my double-mailing. That's where I put a Dec envelope inside a Nov envelope because I am not going to mail anything in Dec. It will be a very strange mailing. I have a box of leftover holiday cards as well as other cards that are mostly humorous. Although, they are my own personal taste in humor and every time I think I am going to mail one, I consider the person - and I don't actually know anyone whose sense of humor is a strange as mine. But it's time for them to go. 

OK - I am back, November is full and I am starting on Dec. I'll be running all the October envelopes in Dec. 
 I had to rethink the double mailing and using up the old greeting cards. It's fine to use up the holiday cards. But the weirdly humorous cards are very tricky. 

Layer that with all my issues with finding designs and stamps for the envelopes - and I pretty much had one of those old exploding head scenarios. Warning to Janet - the Nov-Dec mailing to you is bizarre. Thankfully, I have known Janet, in person, for long enough that she will probably give me a by on her mailing.

Thankfully - I figured out how to use up the cards - as filler - and will not pay attention to who gets which one. I'll just focus on the envelopes.

Newer readers will not know what I am talking about - when I mention the exploding head series. You may review exploding heads and exploding Pyrex at this link. You might want to check out the tips from 2019 on the post with Patty's cranberry artwork. I was delighted to see the cranberry art again. I forget how much fun stuff has been posted.


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