
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Grid ideas - no envelopes today - unless I add one

Jeffrey Gibson, 'When Fire Is Applied to a Stone It Cracks' (2019).

These letters would be fun to try on envelopes if a person had self adhesive paper or one of those little gadgets that added adhesive to paper or if one had a tremendous amount of patience.

To read the article:


And here is a an alphabet that looks like it was made to go with the More Than Meets The Eye stamps.

It is from VREM Design in 2012.
They seem to be very keen on grids.

If anyone gets stressed when there is no envelope, please let me know. 
At the last minute, I checked my folder of images of the exchange envelopes that have been mailed and noticed this one. It has not been mailed. Tome has to wait for her Nov-Dec exchange. I was intrigued by this combination of letters but not sure where to go from here. It's begging to have the MoreThanMeetsTheEye stamp - but colorwise it would be a mistake. That isn't even a real stamp. Leaving the space at the bottom for the bar code messes with everything. I might try squishing it all together so that there is a full half-inch border all the way around.



  1. The VREM alphabet & numbers are very interesting topologically: did you notice that they can all be created with a single loop? The loop can make 90 degree turns and cross over itself, but it never is cut or move parallel to itself without space in between. I like the subtle difference between 'S' and '5'. Bonus points if you can draw the '8' without retracing.

  2. I think eliminating curves but adding different weights to the letters to keep them organic is great. I love this.
