
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Chuck's process

Here is another item from one of my folders. Chuck sent an example of how/where he gets some of his ideas. This is what he wrote:

This is a finished one with the source. I checked & I've had that picture a a hard drive since Jan 2015 there was no credit as to who did it. I just took an envelope & pencil  and worked it out. 


Part of me wants to print out the image and find some other things to use. Chuck usually starts on his ideas as soon as he has sent his exchange envelopes. He'll spend some time on the idea and then he prepares the 5 envelopes for the exchange. Once he gets the list, he fills in the names and addresses. So, he gets his envelopes out promptly. Pretty much every month, I tell myself to do this. And I never have. Maybe 2022 is the year I actually do it. 

The Dec sign up starts tomorrow. As we all know, I already sent my Dec exchange envelopes inside my Nov exchange envelopes. A few of you might be able to tell if I followed the Chuck-process. 


Alexandrite Woman is interested in my tips for hoard reduction and motivating one's self to reduce the hoard. It's nice to get requests like this and I will be adding them to the last two weeks of posts in Dec. 


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