
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Janet's idea to Kate and Lauren (driving to the ER, not)

Kate's is probably the best of this series because I let loose. It is always risky to let loose and scribble with abandon. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Riley is a fairly exuberant set of letters. Kate has only the t that jumps out of the rectangle - and a lower case t is not supposed to be as tall as a d-k-h-or-l -- they are usually just a bit taller. IMHO this K should be larger - so that the whole name took up more of a rectangle - instead of the wedge shape.

Now I wish I had disguised that flaw by stacking the address in shorter lines to the left.

Here we have two names with all short letters. The only place to go wild (other than the initials) is the *ear* on the r. It was not planned at all, but I like the way the *ear* on the r in Lauren lines up with the f. It was a complete accident. The second and third r's are different. Something else that was unplanned. I wish I had not curled both names down at the end. The colored penciling could have been more exuberant. Does it bother anyone when I use the word exuberant too often?

My writing skills are deplorable. Now I am just rambling. I am waiting for MrW to finish his coffee and take me to Target. I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was driving again. I rather doubt MrW will ever be comfortable with me driving. I wonder how he would feel if he needs a ride to the ER. I guess we already learned that a person is better off in an ambulance. Of course he'll have to manage everything on his own once he gets to the ER. Or maybe he thinks I will take an Uber to the ER. As if I want to mingle with all the germs that one might encounter in an Uber. 

End of ramble. 
Exciting Italian *Target* news tomorrow.

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