
Thursday, September 16, 2021

1st brain env to Troy

This was my very first attempt at an envelope after my bonk and recuperative phase. I have about a dozen images of brains that I like and I should show the inspiration for this one, but it's so good, it makes this one look really bad. There are a few things about it that don't bother me. I wasn't expecting to turn out something wonderful on my first envelope. It was more like: how bad would it be? All I cared about was not doing a stack of stuff that I had to throw away. I think I did throw one away. But, it was because I didn't leave enough room for a legible address.

I'm still disappointed that I can't get any images of my brain. Well, I guess I could keep trying. But, I need to conserve my energy and use it wisely. The main *consequence* from the injury is something I probably mentioned way back at the beginning. Neural fatigue. Someone came up with a fancy way to say *tired.* 

Eventually, I figured out the difference between being sleepy/tired and neural fatigue. If you are tired, you need sleep. But with neural fatigue, you don't need sleep, you need to stop using your brain. I may feel  like doing something but that strange little co-pilot takes over and tells me that the brain is not available. I am trying to make friends with him in case he never moves out.

I had another consultation with my friend who is in her third year of coping with a brain injury situation. She can offer a lot of practical advice about neural fatigue. In a nutshell, you learn adaptations. It reminds me of all the other situations that we think would be too-hard-to-handle. It may seem that way, but after they happen, you realize you do not have a choice. You either accept it and move on or you wallow in misery. 

This is where I give a huge shout out to all the people I've known who wallow or have wallowed. You inspire me. I know I've posted this Kahlil Gibran quote previously, but it's worth repeating:

I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; Yet strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

During my conversation with my friend, I mentioned that it was a hard to find activities to fill the time when my brain was taking a break. I said that folding laundry was a fun mindless activity - to which she responded, "Me, too!!" Then I thought about going around to my neighbors and asking if they would like me to fold their laundry. OK -- I'm getting too talkative. Enough of this.

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