
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Pre-printed envelopes to Maggie and Lynne (Grant Wood)

Yup, two more preprinted envelopes from the stash of stationery left by my daughter. I remember how much she loved buying paper products. Most parents have certain moments when they have these waves of sadness over the end of an era. It's often the waving goodbye at the moment you have dropped them off or they are pulling out of the driveway - headed to college or to their first full time job. Those moments never bothered me much. But the one that I still get is when I am walking -alone- in an office supply store -- and I recall the many, many trips to the office supply store with my daughter. We were both in heaven. I think I will take my granddaughter to an office supply store during her visit and see if it strikes her fancy. 

Does anyone else have any unusual places that cause them to get all misty-eyed? I don't think there would ever be actual tears at the Office Max. Maybe verklempt is the word for it although the definition says - overcome with emotion - so that's not right. Wistful? Yup, we'll go with that.

Real time add-on:
My outing to the local art museum with Patty - on Thursday - went well. I lasted 40 minutes. Previously, I've been able to walk for 30 minutes. It was heavenly to see some of my old favorite works. We have a nice Grant Wood painting that is only hanging for 6 months out of the year because we share ownership with Minnesota. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G to see it up close. I forgot to take pictures of the details that I love. For so many years photography was not allowed so I don't think to do it. I might go back and take some pictures. It's only two blocks from my house. I'm gearing up to do my 5 July envelopes as well as 5 for the August exchange. My *incident* prevented me from getting my July envelopes in the mail.

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