
Sunday, April 4, 2021

To Leslie - from Janet?

 This was written almost two weeks ago and I am fully recovered - and did not infect anyone else.
Additional thank yous to Leslie for sharing images of her envelope. She kindly send images and included information like -- who sent this one. Sadly, I am unable to generate the energy to find the email because Mr Wilson caught a cold and passed it along to me and I feel like I have bricks in my sinuses. I'm here in Chicago and he is in DSM so he is missing out on my pitifulness. And I have to keep myself seriously quarantined so that I do not infect my daughter and her family. So, I am working on the blog. I'm sure these will be completely worthless blog posts to read. But, the envelopes will be wonderful.

I'm guessing this is from Janet - because of the postmark. If I am wrong (or right) please let me know.



Writing this on Sat AM - there are quite a few posts coming up with whining. My apologies. Things are much better in real life. My daughter and her husband are getting vaccinations today. Spring weather seems to be winning - only one day at 29-degrees in the past week. Nanna knows to have her Icebreakers whenever she's in Chicago. That is the brandname of my new favorite long underwear that are miraculously made of non-itchy wool.

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