
Friday, April 2, 2021

To Lauren, Lynne, JackieM - Stamp-stamps - No 6, 7, 8 (no rant)

These are super redundant - so I'll gang them.
Lauren's is probably my favorite of the three.
Lynne's last name is long and I like finding ways to tuck it in.
I think I lean away from having last names being the focus.
Jackie has the McC thing going on which can be challenging.

That S on FRASER isn't quite right. S is often the hardest letter to fit in when you are constructing an alphabet out of straight lines. The way to work around the S - is to figure out the S before you do all the other letters and let it determine the height.


It is Jan 24. I'm wondering if the general need for ranting will have subsided.
It's safe to say the loveliness of spring might be contributing to some optimism.
Fingers crossed.

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