
Friday, February 26, 2021

Let's Read a Book (Repost from NancyL)


Link to a book about the USPS

I was reading a book, The 99% Invisible City and there was a blurb about the USPS. It was so full of information and mentioned this book, that I just had to check it out from the library.

The 99% Invisible City is chock full of interesting things, none of which I will remember, but they were perfect for distracting me from the thing from which I need to be distracted. That's a tortured sentence. Periodically, I think about studying, How to Write. 

To read or to write. By the time I get my blog posts written, I have exhausted my attention span for writing. 

There is another book on the USPS: Neither Snow Nor Rain -- which is an available audio book. I'll be listening to it and will give a book report when it is finished.


This is a repost. NancyL kindly sent me some images for the blog and included this one which I know has been posted, but, it's a good one to repeat because it's a perfect idea if you need to fill some hours and you don't want to plan very far ahead.

I should do a search and see if I can figure out if this is the one that came with apologies for using the flag stamps. 60-seconds later. Nope - you can do a search for *flag stamp* and the envelope with NancyL with the flag stamp will pop up. I was surprised how few hits there were in that search. I would have thought there would be more. Seems like it is a chronic complaint.

Another 60-seconds later. Oh.Wow. A search for just the word *flag* brought up lots more. Plus, it brought up this one -- and yes it does have a flag stamp. But, it is one with a lot of green, so it actually looks very nice. I think there was a set of the flag in 4 seasons.

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