Janet kindly shared some images of some of her favorite envelopes that have arrived through the exchange. This one is fun. Looks like a Maurice Sendak character. If you Google *Maurice Sendak movie* or *Maurice Sendak documentary* you will find links to a couple that are available through various sources. I watched one through Kanopy and it was very good.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
From Ashley to Janet (expressing frustration like an old master)
Janet kindly shared some images of some of her favorite envelopes that have arrived through the exchange. This one is fun. Looks like a Maurice Sendak character. If you Google *Maurice Sendak movie* or *Maurice Sendak documentary* you will find links to a couple that are available through various sources. I watched one through Kanopy and it was very good.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Historic Mail (valentine idea)
Here is something fun. This company creates facsimiles of historic letters and sends them to people. I have not found an image of the envelope that the company sends. It is probably a plain envelope. I doubt they are using a calligrapher. Wouldn't it be fun to have the mail arrive in an envelope that was inspired by the historical envelope. Although, they may not have the envelopes that go with the letters. But, a similar style of writing and similar paper would be fun.
I've had so many ideas over the years for subscriptions to happy mail. Wouldn't it be fun to come up with a cool design for each of the new stamps that are issued in a year? Or a service where people send me all their birthday cards for the entire year and I address them and mail them at the appropriate time. Or maybe I just address them and return them and they do their own mailing. Too many fun ideas - maybe my granddaughter will catch the penmanship bug and I can leave her my list of fun ideas that never went anywhere.
Here is a cute idea for valentine mail. Although, I bet it is hard to draw symmetrical lightbulbs.
I've spent a few days - at my desk, listening to construction after the demolition and also answering random questions - so I actually have 13 envelopes ready to go for the exchange. I'll be posting them in April.
Vaccination update: the websites where you go to make appointments seem to be crashing as they are overloaded with people. It is super stressful. I'll keep looking for reasonable suggestions for coping with this ongoing situation. Or I might have to dive into the rest of the names on the list that are old faithfuls on the exchanges.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Random comment & XL marker to CathyO (Dutch rant)
Someone left this comment on the blog back in 2018. It cracks me up that anyone would find my advice useful. Whenever I surf/sift through the old stuff on the blog I find way too much stuff that refers to my quest for organization. It is entirely possible that the thought of being organized has faded into that zone with all the other things that faded with the pandemic. Currently, I am going *random.* I just fill up the blog posts in chronological order.
My only concern is that I will run out of things to say if I am not constantly complaining about the chaotic filing system. On top of that -- I am thinking about deleting all the images off my computer after they are posted on the blog. If they are on the blog - why do I need another copy on my computer?
Here is the envelope for the day. It was sent in October of 2020. I did not add any spider webs or pumpkins. Maybe I should treat myself to another super wide marker in a springy color.
I wonder if the USPS ever got all the holiday mail delivered (she wrote on Dec 19th, 2020)
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Rust + tea from Faye (pink spider in envelope)
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Blueberries + Dennis from Lauren (Bernie)
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
From RachaelT (French sheet print)
Monday, January 25, 2021
Bonus post - saving envelopes (hoard-rant)
This is a bonus post - scroll down to see the regular Monday post.
The topic of how to make books or albums out of envelopes came up on CyberScribes and Eliece posted directions for one of my accordion books. I have yet to find an image. Yesterday I spent a few hours organizing my envelopes and came across this booklet. It is a spiral bound book that I had done at Office/Max/Depot/Kinkos. I had done 40 envelopes for a birthday and made photo copies before they were mailed. You could do the same thing if you wanted to slice all four edges of envelopes that were all the same size and just bind the fronts. I have not taken in a stack of actual envelopes to see if the coil-binding machine will accept actual envelopes. I might do that and report back.
The cool binding machine can accommodate much taller stacks of paper. However, the coil is also much larger. I do not know what the max is. If I get there, I will ask.
Where's Florence - 2 to Chuck (writing on cookies)
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Monoline foundational (Font rant)
Saturday, January 23, 2021
From Lauren - scary fish (hot pink spider video)
Friday, January 22, 2021
Amanda Kammarada (The Gardener)
Good news. Paul Antonio in feeling much better. He posted a video (or two?) on his IG.
Link to message from Paul Antonio
There are tons of youngsters who love lettering and have websites, blogs, and tutorials. I am always on the lookout for places to send the beginners. Some of the old-timers like to snag ideas from the youngsters, too.
There was a pin on Pinterest that linked to Amanda about ideas for mail art. It was ok - but, I thought all the links she offered in this post were a better opportunity for surfing.
The image that caught my eye was this one:
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Bows on envelopes - possibly inspired by RachaelT (to Hudson penpals) no rant
OK. Here are some bows that do not thrill me. The problem was that I did not go back and look at Rachael's original. For all I know, it wasn't even Rachael's envelope. But, I see it on Pinterest all the time and I thought I could do a decent bow and tag without copying exactly.
Here are the other bow-themed envelopes. Bows would work for birthday envelopes. Or any holiday for that matter. Hopefully, someday I will have some better bows to post. First photo shows what they looked like before names.
I love that Italian stamp with the envelope. I'm thinking the Santa stamps, with their gold border are the way to go.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Rachael's gold wreath series (no rant - KateR's b-day)
I forgot to mention -yesterday- that the design I stole from Alison could be done in non-holiday colors. I hope I think about making something springy or valentine-y. I wonder if I could turn RachaelT's wreath into a springtime wreath.
RachaelT's original idea is top left. The other three are my attempts. My first attempts were too tight. They did not feel organic. I counted how many sprigs of holly she had -sixteen- so I tried doing 16, then I tried 8. I think my version was improved by only doing 8.
Do, I have any suggestion on how to do a nice wreath like Rachael's? Yes. Take tracing paper and copy her's exactly. Or, if you want to save time, copy my version. But, I think her version is better.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Alison's scroll - second round (silly/absurd game)
That envelope (on the left) from Alison stays pretty near the top of my stack of *ideas-to-steal.* I believe I tried to steal it in Dec of 2019 and was not too happy with the results, so I tried again. The second one is better. However, when it came to addressing them, the design was too low on the envelope.
I used two of them for my bulk mailing to our new pen pals at Sam's post office in Hudson, NH. Shout out to Alison and RachaelT for the stealworthy ideas. Rachael's gold wreath idea appeared yesterday.
Oh -- I put the 5 envelopes to the NH pen pals inside another envelope and figured they could choose their own stamps - since they work at the post office.
If anyone puts a flag stamp on their envelope please don't tell me about it. I used some of my Italian stamps for the photographs.
Ridiculous claims. Reducing the amount of time I (we?) surf might be a better option.