
Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Saturday CelebrationS - yes - multiple celebrations

First we are going to celebrate the progress that Lyric has made on her penmanship. After the flurry of posts, I lapsed into some experimenting with techniques. None of it would have been interesting but eventually, Lyric had a few ah-ha moments and she's turned out this very nice page that was what we were hoping for on Lesson No. 1. 

If Lyric sticks with me, we might have invented a whole new way to rehabilitate penmanship. Time will tell and heaven knows, we've got time.

Celebration number two: I just created and posted the 5 lists for the Nov exchange in record time. It took 43 minutes to copy and paste all the sign-up emails into the 5 outgoing emails. We can shave at least 3 minutes off that time if people would remember to type in their emails under their addresses. It's not that big of a deal when I have to type them in. Although it is risky, because I am a terrible transcriptionist.

C No. 3: I found Marion Roach Smith. Whilst surfing, I stumbled across her blog or website and read some tips about how to write memoirs. On the most recent blog post, I read something and left a question in her comment section. She responded very quickly. Her response led me into another unrelated question so I sent the second question to her directly. A couple days later, I received a very nice response from Marion's assistant. 

I am celebrating because while I enjoy jabbering and I truly appreciate hearing from readers who say they enjoy the daily blurb, I also feel like my writing could be so much better. I'm sure we will all appreciate better writing, eh?

And there's more.

Stay tuned.

Click here to go to Marion's website


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