
Friday, November 6, 2020

The Friday Extra - Countdown (Advent) calendar

BPPJackie saw this and thought of me and sent it. (BestPenPal - variation on BFF) Obviously I love this idea and might squeeze it in. We are heading into the season of advent calendars but this idea would work for any kind of countdown. 

Specific instructions are here:

You might have to copy and paste. I couldn't get the link-thing to work. I also could get the photo to save so I had to do a two part screen shot. It is currently noon on Tuesday, Nov 3rd, and I am blissful unaware of anything that is going on in the world. My daily *Extra* is a delightful distraction. It is between 60 and 70 degrees outside and the sun is shining. I think I will start addressing my November exchange envelopes. 

Here is a late Halloween images. One of Hunter's friends. That is his actual body. Not his actual head.

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