
Monday, November 23, 2020

Pre-scheduled debacle - from Vivian in September (The First Errand)

It's been a couple weeks since I pre-scheduled all the posts for the rest of the year. And then today, Nov 16th, which is only a week before this runs, I discovered that I had a bunch of repeats.

As luck would have it, I also had my stack of mail from the September exchange, so I have thirty new envelopes to post right now. My challenge will be to remember which ones I posted so that I don't accidentally repost them in 2021. 

This one is from Vivian. She only exchanged once. Her return sticker says: Purple Martin Lettering and Graphics. I highly recommend you surf on over to her website. She has some really fun stuff. There are pictures on a wall made with tape. It is taking a lot of self control to not head out to one of my freshly painted walls and start taping the Eiffel Tower.

Link to Vivian's website


I mentioned the grandkids yesterday which reminded me to share something I discovered that amazed me. I'm really curious to know if any of you have already heard about it.

Because I had to buy a new iPhone, I have one year of AppleTV for free. I had no idea what AppleTV was, but, I have watched a couple things. I saw a new listing for BecomingYou. It is a 5 part series that filmed 100 little kids to show the developmental stages of the first 5 years of life and all the aspects that are universal across various cultures.

I flipped on the first episode - and the very first segment showed a family in Tokyo that was sending their 3 year old out on an errand to pick up sushi That's right. A 3 year old crossing busy streets and picking up sushi and paying for it and getting home safely. The narrator claimed that The First Errand is a milestone in Japan and it's what they do. It seemed unbelievable. So, I Googled it - and there are several articles. It's pretty amazing and also heart warming. The whole series is interesting in a slow paced way. 

I mentioned the series to my daughter but warned her that other than that first segment, it might not hold the interest of her kids (7 and 5). But, she reported that they loved it and are excited to watch the other episodes. 

Here is the kicker. There is long running program in Japan that films kids going out on their first errand. So maybe Japan has just turned their entire country into a reality program and they just film everything. Maybe the entire country is just one big film crew. Maybe my coffee was too strong this morning.

Link to article about First Errand

I was feeling so much better that I did not have a daily rant. Just a warning. There is a rant tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning my website!!
    I really enjoyed the envelope exchange, it's been a little busy for me the past couple months, but I am thinking of singing up again in 2021!
