
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sept birthdays to NancyL, Troy and Haley

These three people had birthdays in September. Birthday candles are one of my go-to ideas. There are so many options. With these, I used my neon highlighters. I'm too lazy to find them and tell you what brand they are. OK, I'm not. **pause** Zazzle. Before I went and looked, I was thinking it was Zazzle, but that is also the name of the online source for custom stamps - so I didn't think they would have the same name. But they do. The highlighters are made by Zebra. They are old. I will resist the temptation to look online and see what's available in neon highlighters. I will leave the searching to you. I hear from several of you about your *too-many-art-supplies.* So, I'm not suggesting that anyone needs them. But, if you are just starting out, you might consider getting them.

I think I went heavier on the drop shadows on these - but, I'd have to look back to see - and I am staying focused on getting all the outgoing Sept envelopes posted in one sitting.


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