
Friday, October 2, 2020

Bonus post - Penpals at Sam's post office

 Scroll down for today's regular post.

A couple weeks ago I had a lovely email from someone in a New Hampshire post office who was familiar with Sam's envelopes. As you recall, Sam was confined to her bed and her dad did the post office run for her. I am often asked by people: What does the post office think about your mail art?

Well, the post office is made up of literally hundreds of thousands of people (Google says more than 600,000) so, there are probably at least 12 different opinions about mail art. Maybe more. But, we have heard from the Derry Street station in Hudson, New Hampshire and they loved Sam's mail art. They are going to display some mail and kindly asked permission to post some images off the blog - with last names and street addresses blocked.

Since we now know about some postal workers who love our pastime, I thought it would be fun to send mail to the people who work at that station and asked for their first names. So, if you are in need of something to do and have some extra stamps -- feel free to send some mail to these lovely people.

I am going to address some smaller envelopes and put them inside a larger envelope. This will allow me to use up some of my orphan stamps that are insufficient for mailing, but will look better if they are all alone on an envelope.

If you care to join me in delighting our new penpals in New Hampshire - here are their names and the address:

Paula - Renee - Nancy - Judy - Steve

77 Derry St. Ste 13

Hudson NH 03051

Of course, I forgot to take pictures of the ones I sent - so here is one from Sam that Janet was kind enough to share. I'll be happy to get more images of Sam's mail if anyone wants to send some. 2020 posts are all full, but, I will be starting 2021 very soon and Sam's envelopes have always been crowd pleasers.


  1. oh wow, LOVE this one! Did she cut and paste all those words? So fun! Loved her printing too. I was so jealous.

    How did the NH po get in contact with you? That's so great! I am definitely going to send to them! I love it when PO workers love our mail art!!

  2. It looks like she layered watercolor over the top of some printed paper, drew some shapes, cut them out, and adhered them to the envelope. I think some of her designs were very labor intensive - but, I think there were certain kinds of activities that balanced out the difficulties.

    The NH postal pals found me through the PTEX note on the envelopes. While there are a few P-Tex products on the market - My blog dominates on Google if you look for anything related to PTEX - all caps.

  3. Hi Mail Artists - I'm Paula. I work at the Hudson NH post office. I want to tell you all how lovely your work is. This blog is such a happy place on the internet. Jean has been wonderful ever since I first contacted her about Sam's art. Jean sent some gorgeous envelopes for us to hang in our lobby alongside some prints of Sam's envelopes. Thanks to everyone who has granted permission for me to hang your (edited, of course) names and addresses. We have also received art from Cathy O. and Lynne S. Naturally, both are beautiful, fun, and much appreciated! I hope to try my hand at decorating some mail myself... not sure how it will come out. Cross your fingers for me, LOL. Thank you all again for your art and being gracious enough to allow us to use your images. It has made Sam's dad quite happy.
