
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Blue lace to Lynne - Sept

Farewell to the last of the lace stamps. I've enjoyed them. I deeply regret that I did not put them on a no. 10 size envelope (business size) Lynne's name would have stretched beautifully and the proportions of those three stamps would have been so beautiful.

I complain about Blogger. So today, I am taking a moment to thank then for one new feature. When I am writing up blog posts to pop up in the future, and am ready to put them in the queue - I click on a button that has a paper airplane and the word Publish. In the past -- it just ended up in the queue. Blogger changed it so that now you get a little confirmation form to click. One would think that I would read the confirmation and confirm that I have put in a date in the future. Most of the time I do. But today, Sept 12, I just posted those 3 birthday envelopes and did not notice that I had not plugged in a date in the future and they popped up on the blog. Luckily, I caught my mistake within a couple minutes and deleted it. 

That is all useless information. However, I did want to insert some kind words to Blogger. Blogger is a branch of Google and we know that Google is keeping copious files on us - and I want to stay on their good side. I have no secret agenda. Although typing those two words probably flags me and somebody might be reading this and wondering -- what's she up to. I assure you, I'm up to nothing except staying in touch with my penpals. I'm too old to be up to anything. Honest. I just want Blogger to remain free. 


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