
Friday, May 8, 2020

From Janet -


 It is April 1, 2020 - I am lining up a bunch of posts - but not in the mood to write the blurbs. Plus, we are in the thick of the pandemic and every day things change. So, if things settle down, I might be able to replace this with some fun words. Otherwise -- just enjoy the envelope(s) of the day.

May 2 - Here is another opportunity to just gush over how much I like this one. It's probably better to just go off-topic. Yesterday I was going to write about how it was my daughter's 9th wedding anniversary. Gosh, that was a wonderful adventure. Every single thing about the planning and the weekend was exactly what we had envisioned. The only glitch was nothing done by family members or guests. The lady who was supposed to direct the ceremony was not there. She came down with a  serious illness, and they brought in a new person who did not have the benefit of being mentored - she was just thrown into the pool. Yikes.

Nothing that had been rehearsed happened - the girls were sent down the aisle before the boys came out. They just stood there for a while. I was ready to go hunt down the guys. Eventually they came out and stood in a line, as they had been told to do. They were oblivious to the fact that the girls were already standing there. So, the bride and Mr Wilson were thinking it was time to march down the aisle, but instead of the groom - all they saw was the last groomsman. Finally I did one of those whisper-yells to the guys, with hand motions like those guys use at the airport - and the guys moved over so the groom could see his bride walked down the aisle. It was comical - but sooooo appropriate. Every wedding needs at least one glitch. I'm grateful when I'm not the responsible party.

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