
Monday, May 25, 2020

From Chuck and Anthea

I thought these two were very pretty together.
Chuck's above has a lovely cancel

Anthea's, below, made me want to go out and pick up leaves and paint them.
I guess I should send the suggestion to my daughter who is in the midst of sequestration with her kids (4 and 6) and I already know they love to paint.

I just looked up that word - sequestration. I only knew it as a term for juries. Sequestering the jury. I did not find any definition that related it to juries. But, I like it and I am going to use it, even if I am not using it correctly because nobody is paying any attention to me. Except for the 300 people who check my blog daily. Or maybe there are only the 30 who exchange with me -- and you each check 10 times a day. I sincerely hope it is the former.

1 comment:

  1. That IS a fun cancel! Looks like part of the design! (i wouldn't have noticed it had you not pointed it out.) And Anthea's -- Wow. So Pretty.
