
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

SameOl'SameOl' - to Lauren -teal/ships

I almost hesitate to post this one. During my entire month of BigCopic, I had one lapse when I pulled out the PITT white marker. I thought it might be fun. It was fun - but it was too much like all my other envelopes where I can't decide what to do so I go *juuby.* That's my word for when I take the concept that Carol DuBosch used for her Jubilee style. It is soooooo much fun.

My other regret on this one is that I did not figure out a way to tie the second color on the stamp into the design. I can always use this space for something that comes up between Jan 9 and Mar 10.

The day I write this is the day Mr. Postman said he was not on board with this whole PO thing as a long term career. Someone who has been there longer but is still waiting to get her own route said that she once worked 8 months straight without a day off. That seems a bit extreme. I might have to delve into this and see what I find out. I don't know anything about unions and how they work. Can you imagine an artist's union?  I'll amend this story on Thursday.

My back up plan for Mr Postman is to create my own private nursing home for artists. He'll be the cook. Every single artist that I have talked to about this idea has been eager to sign up. We all dread the thought of being closeted without our art supplies.

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