
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid Coping No. 2 - New plan

TODAY'S REGULAR POST is right below.

It's not working for me to have a regular second post. I spend too much time looking for a visual and then it's really hard to even know what to say. We are all in different locations and everything changes so fast. I'm still pondering how to run an Add&Pass -- so will keep you posted on that. In the meantime, I'll be hunkered down and will be adding posts if

****phone rings******

See what I mean. I couldn't even finish that sentence without something changing.
It was a robocall from one of the Iowa senators who is having a town hall meeting via the phone, so I was supposed to stay on the line.

So, I might be on the line or I might not.

Note to self: put a coin in my pocket so that every time I have to make a choice, I can just flip a coin.

Maybe I should occupy my time doing this.

That is a link to Pinterest where you can scroll down and see all kinds of other pretty walls.

Finishing the topic of interrupted sentence:
covid-coping posts will be random and unscheduled

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