
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year - January Exchange

My Dec exchange envelope to Carole. A riff on DuBosch Jubilee.
Today, through Jan 4th is sign-up for the January Exchange. I am happy to report that I had 97% compliance with my Dec request to receive the sign-up information in this exact format:

Jane Doe (CARDS)
123 Oak St
Ames, Iowa 50010
2 lists/birthday

No extra line spaces, please.

It is really helpful when I do not have to edit the info as I compile the info for the lists.

Lists will be sent on Jan 5th (or 6th)

We rarely have anyone new signing up - so I'll keep this post short.
If you have never exchanged, click on the tab that says:
envelope EXCHANGE *rules*
and you will find all the details
or email any questions you might have to me at:
jmwilson411 -at- yahoo -dot- com.

We welcome new exchangers.

The Dec mail that arrived is insanely wonderful. All y'all outdid yourselves. Now sit back and wait for November when I post the gorgeous ideas for next December.

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