
Monday, December 9, 2019

Last three 2018 Holiday Envelopes- Smash, Lynne, Anthea

These three were hiding - and I had hoped to have all the 2018 holiday mail posted prior to the time people would be working on their holiday cards.
But - this is how it's going to be. The method of organizing has given me some much needed structure - and while not perfect - it's good enough.

Oh, I just remembered why these were in a different stack - because they could have been appropriate at other times of the year. Well - they are going to have to be happy in December. Shifting posts is never fun and I've pretty much taken a vow to not do it. 

Hopefully everyone is having fun with the holidays and inspired to say:
"I do not do that anymore...."
if they feel like ditching an obligations. Trust me - ditching obligations can be very freeing.

From Susan M - AKA Smash
From LynneS
From Anthea.

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