
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bonus Post - Ruth's Poinsetta

Today's regular post (below this one) is a hodge podge. I have no idea if it is even worth looking at.

This is one of the envelopes that Ruth did for her 2019 holiday mailing.

I'm getting closer and closer to buying one of those wedge brushes.

Hopefully, I have time to find the link to the person who teaches the classes - if not, you can do a search for *Ruth* on this blog - and it should lead you to a previous post that gives the link to the person who teaches wedge brush flowers.

I wonder if there are any YouTube videos on wedge brush flowers. I do not have time to look right now, but maybe I will on the 26th. I make cinnamon rolls on the 25th and then I eat some and then on the 26th, I take a day off to recuperate.

Here is the IG for Phyllis who teaches wedge brush flowers - and yes, if you search YouTube, there are lessons, but I have not looked at any of them.

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