
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bonus Post - Chuck's Nov/2018 PTEX Turkey (Wilson T-day story)

The November exchange envelopes were scattered about - but I thought it would be fun to post this one on T-day.

Hope everyone is having the type of day they prefer.

Today's regular post is right below.
(Below the off topic story that I am adding here.)

I have forgotten if I posted this story on this blog. It might be on a different blog. The mention of pizza reminded me that during the years when my kids were teenagers and would roll out of bed on Thanksgiving around noon, they would always want pizza to tide them over before we went to the Wilson grandparents at 4pm. Mr. Wilson would go out driving around looking for pizza and come home and tell them that everything was closed. This went on year after year. Every year I would tell them that everything is closed, but they would not believe me. Finally, in 1999 I had the calendar for the new year ready to go and I organized a family meeting and told them to watch me write this on the calendar.

2000 was probably the year that I figured out how to order their favorite sandwiches from a local deli. I'd get the buns wrapped separate from the meat and cheese - and then assemble them the next day. The owner of the deli knew my kids and thought I was the best mom ever to provide the favorite sandwiches for Thanksgiving. It is possible that I am. Although *best* is subjective.

It is really bugging me. I am sure I have typed out this story previously - but I can't figure out where it is. Obviously, if it has already run - I will figure it out when I see this. Or if it pops up again, all y'all can ignore it next time it runs.

That calendar page on the right is another note off an old calendar illustrating how I used to document when and where information needed for taxes had been handed over to Mr Wilson, who would file it, then lose it, then suggest that I had never handed it over.

There is another story about taxes that is a doozie. Maybe I will post it as my Christmas Eve story. It's a nice story about a nice gift.

Why am I photographing odd things like this? Because I have random files with random scraps of paper that amuse me. I am trying to put them all on blogs so that my poor kids do not have to sift through a bunch of weird stuff when I fall off my perch.

I am trying really hard to not make weird little scrapbooks that I can save to read when I am really old.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate.
    And thanks especially for the calendar page re: tax info handed off to spouse. Mine has always believed this was unique to us complete with documenting on calendar page...
