
Monday, October 14, 2019

NEON to Lauren and Leslie

I'm thinking that the Woodstock stamps would be nice on Lauren's.

The dragon stamps turned out to be fabulous on the neon envelopes.

These two are early in the series. I tried several different styles and it took a while to find what I liked. I made the mistake that I make over and over - addressing without even thinking about the stamps. I guess I knew that the Celebrate stamps would work if I could not find anything else.

It was delightful to discover that the dragons looked so good. I do not think I had been having any luck with the dragon stamps, even though I am wildly crazy about the design and colors.

On Leslie's, I would have liked to have a bold pale blue for some spirals.

It would have been helpful to the PO if I had put the actual Urbandale, Iowa zip code on Leslie's. That's a NH zip - and the PO was able to figure it out and deliver it to Leslie.

I'm totally slipping.

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