
Thursday, October 24, 2019

NEON to CaroleV and KathyS

This might be the end of the neon ideas. On the day I am writing this, I'm at the end of the stack.

Carole's was the last one I did and while it is not fancy or complicated - it pleases me.

Kathy's is an exact replica of one done by MarieH and I have no idea when hers will be posted. Maybe it has already run.

I loved the simplicity - and thought I would try it. If I do any more like this, I will pencil the boxes and pay more attention to the amount of space to leave for the letters inside. Or perhaps there is a way to do the letters and then draw the boxes.

I will also be more precise in the drawing of the boxes and I will drag my very lazy arm over to the right and get a fine G-Tec pen for the inner line instead of the gel pen. Seriously. What is wrong with someone who is too lazy to just reach into the bottom drawer that is 3 inches from her chair?

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