
Friday, October 18, 2019

Bonus Post - Chuck's Pumpkins

I might have said something in a post about how Chuck gets all his exchange envelopes done ahead of time. He kindly sent me this photo of his October envelopes.

I am writing this on Oct 5th - and I see there are 6 - so he might be sending one to me.

Chuck is going to make the honor roll this year. He sends extras. Sam and Leslie are also on the honor roll because they have been sending me some images for the blog so I don't get so stressed about having enough ideas to fill the blog.

The BigHelpfulBrother suggested that I could go to a 5-blogs per week - and skip the weekends. I told him that would not work. It's all or nothing.

If there are others who do additional mailings -- feel free to send me photos for the blog. I'll block out the addresses. It's entirely possible that I will create a formal honor roll. At the very least - there will be more discussion about the willingness or reticence to post your artwork in public.

Regular daily post is right below.

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