
Monday, September 9, 2019

From Patty and CathyO - in June

Patty did a nice watercolor of the cactus plants to go with the cactus flowers. One stamp would have been fine so she must have added the extra stamp because the lone stamp in the corner was too heavy. Or perhaps she needed a cover-up.

Cathy needed two stamps because those are postcard stamps. I wonder why the two barcodes are different. Top one has the zip code +4. Bottom one has just the barcode. PO mysteries.
Thank you Clover for the info in the comment below. Blogger won't let me leave a comment on my own blog. Grrr

1 comment:

  1. Different machines. Top one went to the facer-canceller where it was cancelled, read & barcoded. Bottom was cancelled by a window clerk so it went straight to a barcode sorter, where it was read, barcoded & sorted. Top one went to same sorter but was already coded so it just got sorted.
