
Thursday, July 11, 2019

PTEX from Janet and Chuck

Continuing on our theme of what we will be blasting in our rooms at the nursing home -- Janet will be blasting John Lennon tunes.

Chuck is a Dead Head - even though he did not leave any clues on this envelope. I wonder if the USPS will ever give Jerry Garcia a stamp. And, Chuck, feel free to tell me if you have any music choices that rank way ahead of the Dead.

Janet's flip side always has a lovely detail.


  1. the USPS darn well should b putting jerry on a stamp! if not the dead themselves! imo, the GD r truly & uniquely so, the most american band ever.....(perhaps they're waiting until marijuana is legal in every state)..btw jean, woodstock stamps coming out next month, yippee!....p.s. i was a huge pig pen fan, that was my fave dead era.

  2. Mr. WIlson was a big fan of PigPen, too. We used to have a framed photograph of him hanging in our vintage pink and black bathroom.
    Since Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin have been honored on stamps -- I think we are way past the point of needing legalized pot to make it OK for Jerry to be honored. Have they recognized entire bands?

    1. They never honor people who are living, so I doubt there are any bands that are eligible.

  3. haha! ur right, we r way past that point! heck, we're full throttle in the psychedelic class of drugs @ this stage! & yes, i didn't stop 2 realize that they do only honor the deceased & never entire bands. wishful thinking on my part. but that woodstock stamp will cover a bunch of incredible bands & I'm looking 4ward 2 having some music themed fun w/that 1....
