
Saturday, July 6, 2019

May PTEX to Leslie and Carole (From Me to You)

The lists for the exchange went out yesterday. If you did not receive yours. let me know.

These stamps were super favorites, but I was never happy with any of the ideas I came up with for the little stickers. So, if any of the people who thought it was strange that I was sending hugs and kisses -- trust me - I thought it was strange, too. Maybe I enclosed notes. I don't even remember -- just enjoying the tidy, nearly empty drawers.

I should have more to say about the design process - but I am not much of a border person - so all I have to say is - borders go around the edge.

It would have been fun to get a postal employee to do the cancels all the way around the edge.

On Leslie's, the name looked wimpy, so I added some tiny blue lettering. Somehow, Carole's did not bother me, so I left it plain. The lettering on Leslie's says:
this lettering needs something else - but i am not sure what to do - maybe this tiny writing will be just the right amount of something else - or maybe it will be a big mistake - ya never know until you get to the end.

I always have fun starting a thought and forcing myself to choose words that come out perfectly - length-wise.

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